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Volunteer With Us

Snapdragons is run by a very small team of dedicated volunteers who

operate on a variety of committees 

We have several subcommittees which each focus on different

aspects of the project.

These subcommittees feed into the main Snapdragons committee,

which feeds back to the 4 directors who have overarching

responsibilities for the project as a whole and are listed on the

Companies House register for our CIC, Community Interest Company.

We are currently looking for people to join our subcommittees,

most people sit on more than one but you don't have to do so.

These are as follows;

  • Outdoor subcommittee - planting, weeding, volunteer sessions, pond, structures, organic, biodynamic, forest garden, permaculture, garden, allotment, orchard, composting project and more  â€‹

  • Women's subcommittee -  all aspects under this umbrella - Red Tent, Moonlodge, Sage Sisters, future groups with girls, Mother&Child groups, larger women's events

  • Men's subcommittee - Green man Circle, future men's groups and events 

  • Children's subcommittee - Steiner Waldorf inspired children's centre, home ed, Woodcraft Folk, forest school and more

  • Holistic Health Hub subcommittee  - complementary therapies /holistic health and healing

  • Events subcommittee - all our wider project events - lantern walks, summer/Advent fayre, family friendly festivals - presence at other events and more


We will be needing volunteers to help run our library, but will need these to be members of our subcommittees.

We aim to help volunteers find a role that suits them. Some help physically, some with admin. Some craft to make donations for us to sell to fundraiser, some help with finding funding opportunities from afar.


All committee members need to join our WhatsApp chats, the chat can be full at times but we ask you to make it work for you, whether that's read and respond daily or read once a week with a cuppa and catch up, that's up to you.

We sometimes communicate by email and our new website has a hidden forum for committee members to communicate, share files etc.

We aim to meet semi-regularly in person. So far this has been with seasonal committee days.

All Snapdragons group facilitators are committee members.


If you're still interested to learn more, please email us and we can send you an 

​application form. 


You can meet Team Snapdragons by clicking here 

Copyright Snapdragons Plymouth CIC 
The Bowling Green,
Plymouth PL1 5NJ
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